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E3 Strength is the premier personal fitness facility. Most of all we love motivating, inspiring and helping others to get results in the gym. We are people just like you, who nerd-out on all aspects of health and fitness. So, follow along!!

The videos below range from how-to all the way to the origin and history of certain lifts and everything in between.


Follow Along Warm Ups

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A proper warmup should mobilize and activate the joints and muscles. When doing squats, or any leg exercises, the hips and quads incur a large amount of stress and require specific attention. Follow along as coach Earl demonstrates various movements that lengthen and turn on the right muscles, so that you can have a strong leg workout. For more workouts or exercises like this, check out the links to all of the #workoutwednesday programs below. Enjoy!

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A proper warm up prevents injury and prepares the body to workout. Your hamstrings are tighter than you might realize and may be limiting your performance in leg exercises like the squat and deadlift. Follow along to lengthen your hamstrings and enhance your performance. For more workouts or exercises like this, check out the links to all of the #workoutwednesday programs below. Enjoy!


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A proper warm up prevents injury and prepares the body to move against resistance. The shoulder is one of the more complex joints that is prone to injury. Follow along to this warmup to get ready for any upper body motion. In this video, coach Earl demonstrates, in real time, each of five great moves to loosen and prevent injury at the shoulder joint. For more workouts or exercises like this, check out the links to all of the #workoutwednesday programs below. Enjoy!

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Your back and shoulder blades are a common source of tension and pain. Warm-ups like this one allow you to maximize mobility and alleviate tension. In this video, Coach Earl demonstrates various T-spine rotations and mobilities that will get you moving at peak performance. For more workouts, warm ups or info like this, check out the links to all of the #workoutwednesday programs below. Enjoy!

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What is the best stretch routine to get rid of pain? You found it! The stretches in this video can help eliminate pain almost anywhere from your rib cage to your feet. HIIP stands for hamstring, inner thigh, IT band, and piriformis. These stretches help to lengthen the big hip flexing muscles and connective tissue that connect the lower leg to the pelvis. Lengthening of these areas helps to eliminate knee, hip, lower back, and all sorts of pain that can stem from sitting too much to over-training.

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What is the best stretch you probably aren’t doing? Your glutes! Believe it or not, your butt muscles are more a part of your core than your legs and have a huge impact on how your body moves and supports itself. Stretching these muscles is extremely vital to the health of both your low back and your legs. In this video, coach Earl demonstrates three stretches that take care of the tension in your glutes and hips, while providing a passive vicarious stretch for your low back.